PROSPECTS – Dr Michael J Michell, Consultant Radiologist, King’s College Hospital, London
Dr Michael Michell qualified in medicine from Cambridge University and was appointed Consultant Radiologist at King’s College Hospital, London in 1986. He has been Clinical Director of the Breast Screening Programme at King’s College Hospital and National Training Centre since 1998.
Dr Michell has been involved in the development of the Quality Assurance Programme for the National Breast Screening Programme, has been Chairman of the National Breast Screening Radiology Quality Assurance Committee and is currently the Lead Radiologist for Screening Quality Assurance for London Region. He has been a member of the Department of Health Advisory Committee for Breast Cancer Screening and is currently serving on the Cancer Services Reform Group. He has lectured extensively in North America, Europe, the Far East and Australia and is an acknowledged expert on all aspects of screening and diagnosis of breast disease.
BRAID & MYPEBS Professor – Professor Fiona J Gilbert, Professor of Radiology, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine
This talk will cover:
• The Breast Screening Risk Adaptive Imaging for Density trial randomizes women with BIRADS C & D to supplemental imaging with either CESM, Abbreviated MRI or Whole breast ultrasound.
• The outcome measures are cancer detection rate, recall rates and aggressive of small cancers.
• MyPEBS is a randomized trial of personalised breast screening adjusting the frequency of mammography based on questionnaires, Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and breast density.
• Of the 18% eligible for BRAID 27% consent to the study; for MyPEBS all women are eligible with around 10% accepting invitation to participate.
Professor Fiona Gilbert is responsible for imaging research and radiological undergraduate teaching. Her clinical work and research focus on imaging techniques relating to breast cancer and oncology. Using multimodal functional imaging with MRI and PET to examine the tumour environment in breast cancer to develop biomarkers of response. She is interested in risk adaptive breast screening using Tomosynthesis, Abbreviated MRI, Whole Breast Ultrasound and Contrast Enhanced Mammography. She is embracing AI to assist radiological practice to develop and test algorithms. She is a vice-president of the European Society of Breast Imaging and Chair of the Breast scientific programme committee of RSNA.
PROCAS 2 – Professor Gareth Evans, Professor of Medical Genetics, Regional Genetics, St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester
This talk will cover:
• Risk stratification for breast cancer is feasible and could be implemented soon.
• Risk stratification should include obtaining standard risk factors (age at menarche, first pregnancy, family history) and a measurement of mammographic density as well as DNA testing for common variants.
• 20% of the population can be assessed at NICE defined moderate risk and develop >40% of breast cancers, they are eligible for more frequent screening and chemoprevention.
• 18% of the screening age population have a 10-year risk less than the average 10 year risk aged 40. Their cancers are lower risk and monies can be saved in this group to pay for extra screening in the high risk.
Professor Gareth Evans has established a national and international reputation in clinical and research aspects of cancer genetics, particularly in neurofibromatosis and breast/colorectal cancer. He has published 802 peer reviewed research publications; 290 as first or senior author. In the last 7 years he has raised over £50 million in grants for multicentre and local studies – approximately £42 million to Manchester. He is Chief Investigator on two NIHR program grants (2009-2014-£1.59 million) (2017-2020-£1million) on breast cancer risk prediction and also has an NIHR RfPB grant as CI (2011). He is overall cancer lead (3 themes) and Cancer Prevention Early detection theme lead on the successful all Manchester NIHR Biomedical research centre bid (2017-2022-£28.5million).
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