The Symposium Mammographicum Award

The Trustees of Symposium Mammographicum are pleased to announce that they can offer Awards of up to £2,500* each year for radiologists, radiographers or other members of the diagnostic breast team for either:

  • A: an Educational Award – to take up a secondment at a recognised Centre in the UK or overseas to study a particular aspect of breast imaging practice


  • B:  a Research Award – to undertake a small research Project in breast imaging.

*   The amount is usually up to £2,500 but in exceptional circumstances, the Charity may increase this to an amount as it sees fit without setting a precedent for future applicants

The aim of the Awards is to support work which will contribute to the improvement in the practice of breast imaging in the UK. The Award scheme does not extend to cover qualification costs which would usually be supported by an employer such  a  P G Cert in Mammography


  • Radiologists should hold the FRCR; they may hold a training or consultant post but must be actively involved in breast imaging and/or the diagnostics of breast disease.
  • All others must be working in breast imaging for at least 50% of their post.
  • Only education and research related to breast imaging are eligible.
  • Clinical Attachments would usually be in ‘shadow’ form and observational only, unless applicants are already registered with the General Medical Council

View criteria >

Participating centres >

SympMamm Award Form >

Completed Application Forms and supporting documents should be sent by email or post to:

The Secretary Symposium Mammographicum by email to:

Value of the Award

The award scheme has been running now for several years which has helped clinicians from around the UK to further their professional careers as well as spread best practice and clinical approach in this specialised field. Click here to read their stories.