Criteria and guidelines for Symposium Mammographicum Award
Eligible costs
The Educational Awards are designed to contribute towards:
- Fees charged by the chosen Centre.
- Cost of travel, accommodation and subsistence associated with the secondment. Motoring costs for travel by private car will be calculated at 45p per mile.
- Attendance at the subsequent Symposium Mammographicum conference, where successful applicants will be required to present a report in the form of a paper or a poster. The sum of £600 from within the total amount granted is ring-fenced for the Symposium Mammographicum attendance costs.
For Research Awards, the following may be funded:
- Directly incurred costs such as scientific or clinical consumables, statisticians’ fees, travel to other clinical sites to carry out investigations.
- Directly incurred staff costs such as data management assistance.
- Investigator backfill costs for the principal investigator BUT ONLY IF HIS OR HER JOB DESCRIPTION DOES NOT INCLUDE CONDUCTING RESEARCH. NB. Total directly incurred and investigator salary costs will only be funded up to a maximum of £1,000.
- Attendance at the subsequent Symposium Mammographicum conference, where successful applicants will be required to present a report in the form of a paper or a poster. The sum of £600 from within the total amount granted is ring-fenced for the Symposium Mammographicum attendance costs.
Ineligible costs
- Attendance at conferences other than Symposium Mammographicum.
- Backfill costs for Educational Award absences.
- Study fees for courses which would usually be supported by an employer as their career development, eg a PG Cert in Mammography
General conditions
- Applicants for Educational Awards must make their own arrangements for undertaking secondments.
- The secondment or Project must be completed within one year of the Award being granted.
- The decision of the Trustees on whether to fund an application is in their absolute discretion and final.
- Receipts must be provided for all expenditure and any unspent or unaccounted for funds must be returned to the Trustees within 28 days of the completion of the Project.
- If the applicant fails to complete the Project the full amount of the Award shall be refunded.
- An applicant may only be awarded one bursary to attend a conference, one bursary for a clinical observation course and one award for a research project, without time limit
Applicants must provide:
- A two-page curriculum vitae.
- A copy of their current job description.
- A fully completed application form, including:
- Confirmation of the proposed start and finish dates.
- A detailed budget (£2,500 is the absolute limit, including £600 to attend Symposium Mammographicum, and any excess must be funded by the applicant. Justification of costs will be required).
- Endorsement from the applicant’s employing Institute.
- Details of the Centre to be visited (for an Educational Award), including evidence of agreement from the host Institute.
- A signed undertaking that a written report of the results will be submitted to the applicant’s own Institute and a copy sent to the Trustees within two months of the Project ending, and that the results will be presented at the subsequent Symposium Mammographicum conference.
Applications may be submitted at any time and decisions will be made at the following Trustees meeting (held four times per year). Applicants will be informed of the date when their application is due to be considered by the Trustees and the decision will be communicated within two weeks following that date.