Setting the scene – Dr Matthew Wallis, Consultant Radiologist, Cambridge

This talk will enable delegates to:
• Understand that not all breast cancers are equal.
• Learn which cancers, we need to detect to reduce breast cancer mortality.
• Appreciate that increasing cancer detection is not the main outcome of cancer screening.

Dr Matthew Wallis was the Quality Assurance Radiologist for the West Midlands Breast Screening Programme for 12 years. He moved to Cambridge in November 2007. President European Society of Breast Imaging 2008-2010. His major research interest in developing methods to monitor and audit screening performance has informed standard setting in image quality, radiology and surgery across the world. He has published on all aspects of optimising diagnosis and care of breast disease. His long-standing interest in DCIS has led to development of the UK de-escalation trials. Chief Investigator of LORIS (Low risk DCIS trial).

The role of contrast enhanced spectral mammography in finding the cancers that kill – Dr Elisabetta Giannotti, Consultant Radiologist, Nottingham University Hospitals

This talk will:
• Explain the different kinds cancer that are diagnosed in screening, underlying the importance and relevance of under diagnosis
• Explore sensitivity of different techniques that could be used in the screening programme
• Describe diagnostic accuracy of CEM, in comparison with MRI that is the most sensitive test available in breast imaging
• Explore why and how CEM could have a role in diagnosing elusive cancer, and reducing under diagnosis

Dr Elisabetta Giannotti, MD, EDBI, is a Consultant Breast Radiologist at Nottingham Breast Institute, centre that performs both symptomatic and screening work and with the Breast Education Centre one of the leading training centre in the UK.
She serves as Young Club Committee member of the European Society of Breast Imaging, providing support for the next generation of breast imagers and researchers and as Equivalence Committee member or the Royal College of Radiology; she is also Editorial Advisory Board Member for AuntMinnie Europe. She is author of more than 50 scientific publications 17 published in peer reviewed paper.

The role of abbreviated breast MRI – Dr Lyn Jones, Consultant Radiologist, North Bristol NHS Trust

Dr Lyn Jones is a consultant radiologist at the Bristol Breast Care Centre, North Bristol NHS Trust. Her main research interest is Breast MRI and she is currently funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) to determine the feasibility of training mammogram readers to interpret FAST MRI (a type of abbreviated breast MRI) in the context of breast cancer screening. The intention is to develop a cost-effective imaging tool to save lives by finding aggressive cancers earlier. Lyn was the first radiologist in the West of England NIHR region in 10 years to be awarded an NIHR grant.